Javier Pérez Guerra, Facultade de Filoloxía e Tradución (office B43), University of Vigo. 36310 Vigo, jperez@uvigo.es, http://lvtc.uvigo.es/people/jperez
To be considered for admission before the official application periods, potential candidates are requested to submit the following documents:
- scanned BA and MA degrees (in English)
- scanned transcripts of records of the BA and MA degrees (in English), including courses, scores and credits. When the degrees were completed in foreign institutions, the transcripts of records will necessarily be accompanied by their equivalence to the Spanish university system: https://www.universidades.gob.es/equivalencia-de-notas-medias-de-estudios-universitarios-realizados-en-centros-extranjeros
- brief cv (one/twom pages, in English)
- statement of interest in specifically IDAES and funding sources (one page, in English)
- 'dream' topic/s for doctoral dissertation (title/s and abstract/s: one page, in English)
- Moodle (Moovi) space of IDAES-UVigo: https://moovi.uvigo.gal > Programa de Doutoramento en Estudos Ingleses Avanzados: Lingüística, Literatura e Cultura