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Join Graduate Day 2020!

The Inter-University Doctoral Programme in Advanced English Studies: Linguistics, Literature and Culture, run by the Universities of A Coruña (UDC), Santiago de Compostela (USC) and Vigo (UVigo), invites you to attend and participate in IDAES GRADUATE DAY 2020, which will be held at the University of A Coruña on November 6th 2020. This event will be held online via Microsoft Teams.

IDAES Graduate Day 2020 is a one-day academic event which includes the following activities:

09:45-10:00 Connection to Microsoft Teams 


10:00-11:15 Welcome and official opening / Plenary lecture I (Literature and culture) 'La literatura de expresión inglesa en Miguel de Unamuno', Prof. Román Álvarez (Univ. Salamanca) [chair: Mª Jesús Lorenzo Modia, UDC]


11:15-11.30 Break 


11:30-13:00 Presentation of master and doctoral candidates’ research projects I  [chair: Laura Lojo Rodríguez, USC] 


Montserrat Barreiro Vilariño (UDC) 

Animals in That Deadman Dance 


Idoya Cancelas León (USC) 

A preliminary approach to first person epistemic parentheticals in World Englishes 


Noelia Castro Chao (USC) 

From adverbial subordination to complementation: On minor complementisers in Early Modern English 


Mohammed Chenteur (UVigo) 

Motion events in multiple language acquisition 


María Paula Currás Prada (UDC) 

Lyric Texture: Subjectivity and Textual Embodiment in Contemporary Experimental Poetry by Women 


Elena Guerreira Labrador (USC) 

Gender and Identity in the Short Fiction by Contemporary British Women Writers 


Kulsoom  Imdad (USC) 

An Analysis of J. R. R. Tolkien’s On Fairy-Stories in The Lord of the Rings.  


Vanesa Lado Pazos (USC) 

A Study of Spectrality in Contemporary African American Fiction 


Sergio López-Sande (USC) 

Literature Beyond Solipsism: Self-Consciousness, Empathy & the Other in the Short Fiction of David Foster Wallace 


13:00-14:00 Round table 'PhD studies and academic career' Prof. L. Iglesias Rábade (USC), Dr. Luis Miguel Puente Castelo (UDC), Sara González Bernárdez (USC) [chair: Javier Pérez Guerra, UVigo]


Lunch break 


16:00-17:00 Plenary lecture II (Language and linguistics), 'Some reflections at the crossroads of corpus linguistics research and L2 learning', Prof. Pascual Pérez-Paredes (Univ. Murcia) [chair: Rosalía Rodríguez Vázquez, UVigo]


17:00-17:15 Break 


17.15-18:30 Presentation of master and doctoral candidates’ research projects II [chair Begoña Crespo García, UDC] 


Magdalena  Meczynska  (USC) 

Evaluación de programas plurilingües: análisis de resultados de la enseñanza del Francés Lengua Extranjera (FLE) en los centros de la ESO del municipio de Oleiros en el marco del "Plan Galego de potenciación das linguas estranxeiras" de la Xunta de Galicia  


Elizaveta Smirnova (UVigo) 

Complexity of Professional Academic Writing 


Beatriz Macías Digón (UDC) 

Thomas Pynchon's 21st Century Fiction: The Presence of the Feminine 


Martín Mallo Meilán (UDC) 

Exploring the Urban Imaginary Geographies of the New Weird 


Natalia Moreiras Arias (UDC) 

“El Apartamento y Adivina quién viene esta noche. Construcción de identidades y retrato de una sociedad estadounidense en cambio.” 


David Muiños García (UDC) 

Representations of pregnancy, childbirth and motherhood in video games 


María Victoria Fuentes Del Río (USC) 

The Charismatic Authority and the Formation of the Totalitarian State in H. G. Wells' The Holy Terror (MA Thesis) 


18:30-19:30 Presentation of master and doctoral candidates’ research projects III [chair: Esperanza Rama Martínez, UVigo] 


Rubén Pérez Vilas (USC) 

Bourgeoisie and Dissatisfaction in the Literature of the Nineteenth-century Fin de Siècle: A Transcontinental Perspective 


Antía Román Sotelo (USC) 

Reverberations of Trauma: The Great War Revisited in Contemporary Irish Literature 


Olalla Rubines Chisca (USC) 

Gothic and Enlightenment in Conan Doyle's The Hound of the Baskervilles (MA Thesis) 


María Olalla  Santos Barral  (USC) 

The Intersections of Art and Nonhuman Animals in Sara Baume's Literary Works 


Andrea Valeiras (UDC) 

Alice through the Time: Las adaptaciones de "Alicia en el País de las Maravillas" en su contexto histórico y social 


Teba Villar Rodríguez (USC) 

Audio-description as a didactil tool in Secondary Education 


19:30-19:45 Information about IDAES: admin, research lines, Prof. Margarita Estévez-Saá (USC, IDAES coordinator) / Closing 


We encourage master and doctoral candidates from the three Universities participating in the programme to present their research projects, including students from the Inter-University Master in Advanced English Studies (iMAES). Participants will have 8 minutes for their presentations and will be issued official participation certificates. Students and instructors attending IDAES Graduate Day 2020 will be issued official attendance/participation certificates.

Registration is free. Those who want to attend and/or participate (both students and staff) must fill in the on-line registration form until 1st November

In due time you will find updated information on IDAES Graduate Day 2020 as well as the definitive programme at

For further information, please contact