The Inter-University Doctoral Programme in Advanced English Studies (IDAES): Linguistics, Literature and Culture, run by the Universities of A Coruña (UDC), Santiago de Compostela (USC) and Vigo (UVigo), invites you to attend and participate in IDAES GRADUATE DAY 2021, which will be organised online by the University of Vigo on June 4th 2021.
Graduate Day 2021 is an online event. We will use Zoom as the videoconference platform. You are encouraged to download and use the desktop version/client of Zoom, rather than the browser/on-line one. Please download it from (> Zoom Client for Meetings) before the event. Links to each of the sessions are available below. Only for last-minute urgent technical and non-technical issues, contact the organisers: email:, phone: 986812350.
IDAES Graduate Day 2020 is a one-day academic event that includes the following activities
Albán-Barcia | Sara | UVigo | Manuscripts of Prick of Conscience: Variation in Late Midde English Palaeography |
Abalo-Dieste | Laura | UVigo | Passivisation and relativisation as colloquialisation strategies in spoken Present-Day English: A corpus-based study |
Al-marayeh | Abdullateef | USC | Jordanian Bedouin Riddles, from a Structural Theory point of view |
Cortada | Isabella Alessandra | USC | Roaring up' the Music in Finnegans Wake: Joyce, Cage, and the Philosophy of Adorno and Deleuze |
Currás Prada | María Paula | UDC | Lyric Texture: Subjectivity and Textual Embodiment in Contemporary Experimental Poetry by Women |
de la Iglesia Sanjuán | Claudia | UVigo | Pitch accent production and placement in English Wh-questions by Galician Spanish speakers: A case study |
Douglas | Heidi | UVigo | The impact of English as a Lingua Franca on English language teaching: A preliminary approach to teachers' attitudes in Spain |
Imdad | Kulsoom | USC | An Analysis of J.R.R.Tolkien’s On Fairy-Stories in The Lord of the Rings |
Nieves Fernández | Mar | UVigo | A Look into Thomas Sheridan’s and John Walker’s Attitudes towards Mispronunciation in Eighteenth Century Dictionaries |
Piñeiro Fariña | María Eva | USC | Language Contact: The Influence of English in the Hispanic Community of the United States |
Tabuyo Santaclara | Sara | UVigo | A Feminist Approach to the Universe of The Handmaid’s Tale in Relation to its Sociopolitical Genesis |
Durán González | Sara | UVigo | Shakespearian Dandyism: William Shakespeare, Oscar Wilde and the Literary Universals |
Fuentes Del Río | María Victoria | USC | "She hadn't realized how long it takes to become somebody else": Race, Gender and Identity in Brit Bennett's The Vanishing Half |
Lindade | Carlos | UVigo | An overview on how ELT coursebooks currently promote pronunciation instruction in Portuguese Public Schools |
Pérez Alonso | Sabela | USC | Genre and Gender Debates in SF Studies: An Analysis of Four Case Studies |
Pettersson Traba | Daniela | Other | The concept PLEASANT SMELLING in the history of English: Main findings and ways forward |
Rivera de la Vega | Antía | UDC | Beyond the Borderlands: A Transcultural Perspective of Twenty-First-Century Migration Literature in English |
Rodriguez | Yonay | USC | Fostering EFL learning autonomy through the use of technological resources |
Seara Domínguez | Alba | UVigo | Indigenous Canadian Women's Fiction of the 21st Century: the Coming of Age Novel |
Seijas Pérez | Iria | UVigo | LGBT YA Fiction by Irish Women: Queering the Nation |
Smirnova | Elizaveta | UVigo | Cause-and-effect relationship in research articles: a case study of hard and soft sciences |
Vázquez Novo | Vanesa | UDC | Zelda Fitzgerald's Short Stories and Novels: An Analysis of Her Artistic Aspirations and Frustrations |
We encourage iMAES (Inter-University Master in Advanced English Studies) and IDAES students from the three Universities to present their research projects. Participants will have 8 minutes for their presentations and will be issued official participation certificates. Students and instructors attending IDAES Graduate Day 2021 will be also issued official attendance/participation certificates. Important: IDAES students are strongly encouraged to present their research at least in one GradDay event during their predoctoral training period.
Registration is free. Those who want to attend and/or participate (both students and staff) must fill in the on-line registration form before 25th May:
For further information, please contact