Graduate Day 2021 very soon!
The IDAES programme invites you to attend and participate in IDAES GRADUATE DAY 2021, which will be organised online by the University of Vigo on June 4th 2021. More info:
The IDAES programme invites you to attend and participate in IDAES GRADUATE DAY 2021, which will be organised online by the University of Vigo on June 4th 2021. More info:
We are happy to announce that Ana Cristina Gomes da Rocha’s PhD viva (BIFEGA research group) will take place on 17 March at 10:30 at the University of Vigo (Campus Remoto). The title of her PhD is Contemporary Indigenous Women's Fiction from the Pacific: Discourses of Resistance and the (Re)Writing of Spaces of Violence and Desire.
We are happy to announce that Luisa Cazorla Torrado's PhD viva (BIFEGA research group) will take place on 21 December at 11:00 at the University of Vigo (campus remoto). The title of her PhD is BLACK STITCHES: AFRICAN AMERICAN WOMEN’S QUILTING AND STORY TELLING, supervised by Belén Martín Lucas (UVigo).
We are happy to announce that Sofía Bemposta Rivas' (LVTC research group) PhD viva will take place on Friday 18 December at 11:00 at the University of Vigo (CampusRemoto). The title of her dissertation, supervised by Javier Pérez Guerra, is "Verb-governed infinitival complementation in the recent history of English".
We are happy to announce that Raquel Pereira Romasanta's PhD viva (LVTC research group) will take place on 14 December at 10:00 at the University of Vigo (campus remoto). The title of her PhD is Variation in the clausal complementation system in World Englishes: A corpus-based study of REGRET, supervised by Elena Seoane (UVigo) and Manfred Krug (Universidade de Bamberg).