The Inter-university Doctoral programme in Advanced English Studies: Linguistics, Literature and Culture, run by the Universities of A Coruña (UDC), Santiago de Compostela (USC) and Vigo (UVigo), invites you to attend and participate in IDAES Graduate Day 2019, which will be held at the University of Santiago de Compostela (Facultade de Filoloxía) on May 3rd 2019.
IDAES Graduate Day 2019 is a one-day academic event which includes the following activities:
9:30-10:00 Welcome and Official Opening
10:00-11:00 Plenary Lecture I (Linguistics):
Prof. Roberto A. Valdeón García (University of Oviedo), "Pragmatics and translation: mediation or imposition?"
11:00-11:30 Coffee-Break
11.30-13.30 Presentation of Master and Doctoral Candidates’ Research Projects I:
11.30-11.40 |
Inmaculada Pérez Casal (USC), Antecedents and Development of the Contemporary Romance Novel in English: A Study of the Contribution to the Genre by Rosamunde Pilcher and Lisa Kleypas. |
11.40-11.50 |
Yonay Rodríguez Rodríguez (USC), Students' beliefs about learning English as a foreign language: A survey at the University of Santiago de Compostela |
11.50-12.00 |
Sara del Río del Río (UVigo), Treatment of sexual violence in 21st-century Young Adult literature in English |
12.00-12.10 |
Suzy Henriques Fraga (USC), A diachronic corpus-based study of Northern English lexis |
12.10-12.20 |
Sandra Gómez Garrido (USC), This Hard Land: A Study of Bruce Springsteen's Representation of Landscape and National Identity. |
12.20-12.30 |
Anabella Barsaglini Castro (UDC), Posthumanism and Persuasion in Fiction and Non-fiction Texts |
12.30-12.40 |
Sergio López Sande (USC), Literature beyond Solipsism: Self-consciousness, Empathy and the Other in the Short Fiction of David Foster Wallace |
12.40-12.50 |
Véronique Voyer (USC), Becoming An-other. An Ecofeminist Critique of Contemporary Canadian Drama |
12.50-13.00 |
Estrela Rivas López (UVigo), InBIsibility: Bisexual Erasure and Bisexual Narratives in Contemporary Cinema |
13.00-13.10 |
Sara González Bernárdez (USC), The Fantasy of the Female: Identity Construction and Gender Representation in Contemporary Fantasy Fiction |
13.10-13.20 |
Carmen González Varela (USC), Gender and Sexuality in Contemporary British Dystopian Literature |
13.30-14.00 Plenary Lecture II (Linguistics):
Prof. Prof. Miroslaw Pawlak (Adam Mickiewicz University), “The use of grammar learning strategies in text-manipulation activities in a second and third language”
16:00-17:30 Presentation of Master and Doctoral Candidates’ Research Projects II
16.00-16.10 |
Beatriz Solla Vilas (UDC), Spaces of memory: performing identity in Travels in the Scriptorium |
16.10-16,20 |
Idoya Cancelas León (UVigo), Exploring verbal complementation profiles in World Englishes |
16.20-16.30 |
Antía Román Sotelo (USC), Reverberations of Trauma through Irish Literature of the Great War |
16.30-16.40 |
Héctor Agrafojo Blanco (UVigo), The pragmatic markers KIND OF and SORT OF in World Englishes |
16.40-16.50 |
Vanesa Lado Pazos (USC), A Study of Spectrality in Afro-American Contemporary Fiction |
16.50-17.00 |
Celia Veiga-Pérez (UVigo), The learning context and the acquisition of listening skills: A case-study with Spanish university students |
17.00-17.10 |
Elena Canido Muiño (UDC), The Impact of Women in Irish Rock Music, 1980-1990 |
17.10-17.20 |
Sara Albán Barcia (UVigo), Language variation in late middle English manuscripts: a case study of Prick of Conscience |
17.20-17.30 |
Beatriz Abellás Cobas (USC), The Game of Ideology: A Postmodernist Approach to Fantasy Literature. Game of Thrones as a Case Study |
17.30-18:00 Coffee-Break
18.00-19:00 Plenary Lecture III (Literature and Culture):
Prof. Sara Martín Alegre (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona), “Doing Cultural Studies: Context and Practice (with an Incursion into Robosexuality)”
19.00-21:00 Round Table (Confirmed speakers: Carlos Acuña Fariña, Javier Pérez Guerra, Noemí Pereira Ares): “Postgraduate Studies in Galicia: Training, Research and Prospects”