IDAES Graduate Day 2016

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Mar 2016

IDAES Graduate Day 2016

IDAES Graduate Day 2016

The Inter-university Doctoral programme in Advanced English Studies: Linguistics, Literature and Culture, run by the Universities of A Coruña (UDC), Santiago de Compostela (USC) and Vigo (UVigo) invites you to attend and participate in IDAES Graduate Day 2016 which will take place at the University of Santiago de Compostela (Facultade de Filoloxía, Salón de Graos) on May 19th 2016, 10am–7pm. IDAES Graduate Day 2016 will be a one-day academic event consisting of the following activities:

- lecture by Prof Carmen Pérez-Llantada (University of Zaragoza): “Authoring in the humanities: aspects of telling (and selling) research stories”

- lecture by Prof Ángeles de la Concha (UNED): “Academic and professional perspectives in Literary and Cultural Studies. Think global, act global, be global?”

- presentations of the research groups involved in IDAES and research activities that take place at UDC, UVigo and USC

- presentations of doctoral candidates’ research projects.

Registration is free, you can fill the on-line registration form (until 10 May, for both students and staff) at the following link:

Registered students will be issued official attendance certificates. PhD students who present their research during the event will have 15 minutes for their presentations (10 for the presentation and 5 for possible questions) and they will also be issued official participation certificates.

View the complete flyer and programme.