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Jul 2021

Adriana Taboada's PhD viva

We are happy to announce that Adriana Taboada’s PhD viva (LVTC research group, UVigo) will take place on 23 July at 11.30h at the University of Vigo (Campus Remoto and Salón de Graos FFT). The title of her PhD is A Ring to Rule Three Hobbits: Interdependency and Narrative Development in Frodo, Sam and Gollum in J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Lord of The Rings (1954-1955).


Jun 2021

Graduate Day 2021

The Inter-University Doctoral Programme in Advanced English Studies (IDAES): Linguistics, Literature and Culture, run by the Universities of A Coruña (UDC), Santiago de Compostela (USC) and Vigo (UVigo), organised IDAES GRADUATE DAY 2021 on June 4th 2021. More infor:


May 2021

Seminar 'Introduction to Critical Discourse Analysis'

On 25-27 May 2021, IDAES-UVigo organised the research seminar ‘Introduction to Critical Discourse Analysis'. The seminar was conducted by Dr Eva María Gómez Jiménez.


May 2021

AEDEI virtual Conference "Silences and Inconvenient Truths in Irish Culture and Society"

We are pleased to announce the celebration of the 19th International AEDEI virtual Conference: "Silences and Inconvenient Truths in Irish Culture and Society", University of Vigo, 27-28 May.


May 2021

Graduate Day 2021 very soon!

The IDAES programme invites you to attend and participate in IDAES GRADUATE DAY 2021, which will be organised online by the University of Vigo on June 4th 2021. More info:
